  • Boiler Engineer
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  • Plumbing Supplies

GHS Heating and Plumbing Ltd


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Below is a full list of GHS’s Services:

All Gas installs and repairs
All Plumbing installs and repairs
All Electrical installs and repairs
Central Heating and Hot Water Breakdown
Power Flushing
Repair and Installation of Immersion Heaters, Leaks and Burst Pipes
Drain Unblocking and Repair
Overflow Installation and Repair
Installing and Replacing Hot and Cold Water Tanks and Cylinders
Pumps, Radiators and Valve Replacement and Installation
Bathroom & Shower Installations
Bath, Basin and Sink Taps Installed
Leak Detection
Water Tank Chlorination and Tank Cleaning
Air Conditioning Repair and Installation
Heat Source Air Pumps Repair and Installation
Renewable Energy
Help Desk Facilities