  • Boiler Engineer
  • Electrician
  • Gas Engineer
  • Heating Supplies
  • Plumber
  • Plumbing Supplies

Limegreen Heating & Plumbing


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Furthering a family tradition by following in the footsteps of their father, Rhys and Jamie launched Limegreen in the summer of 2012. After working in the industry since childhood, their passion for providing high quality energy solutions has not diminished, and is the inspiration behind their success.

Jamie and Rhys have not ignored the issues surrounding the impact of global warming and felt their experience could help provide home owners with the common sense advice often lacking from many energy companies. Furthermore, they wanted to find only the best high quality and efficient green energy solutions and make them available to home owners throughout South Wales.

To be able to provide high quality energy solutions for the modern home, it has become necessary to offer more than just plumbing and gas fitting solutions. That is why we proudly consider ourselves to be Cardiff’s one stop home for heating needs.

As well as over thirty years experience in plumbing and gas fitting, our highly qualified electricians have many years experience at improving homes throughout South Wales. As well as installation, we’re also happy to service and maintain electrical goods in your home.